Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's all love...

Love - It is everywhere and in everything. It’s all I’ll ever need on this journey and I will seek it out, spread it and search for it again and again. CK

Welcome to 2013. Woohoo! Oh how I love new beginnings! 

This year holds and uplifted energy like no other. If you’ve been waiting for change and to elevate your circumstances, well I will assure you, it’s going to happen this year. Guaranteed.

January is all about releasing any remnants of the old, so for some, it may be a little rocky to start. You might find that your hyper-sensitive or emotional this month. Sometimes when we are clearing out the old, we grieve. Our bodies have a way of preparing us for the new energy. I’ve found in the last few days that I have moments when I just want to cry and for no particular reason. 2012 was a transformational year for many, me included. Sometimes our bodies just need to catch up and so, even if you’re mentally past something, the body takes a little longer to move through it and release it. Allow it to happen. Try not to resist. Emotions are just energy. They need to move through the body and not get trapped or stifled. It's all good. Promise.

My advice this month is to allow it all to come out. Don’t hold back. Give yourself the space you need. Next month will be action oriented and uplifted. Rest up, now. You’ll be feeling great by months end, I assure you.

I would like to suggest that this month’s focus be on love. True love, pure, unconditional love, starts with you. Make it your goal this month to begin to love and take care of yourself. If you struggle with self-confidence, make it a daily ritual to look yourself in the mirror and say “I love you. You are a beautiful soul. You are perfect just as you are.” For the men out there: "I am a handsome fella. I am confident. I am invincible." --- seriously, I dare you to experiment with affirmations. It can't hurt.. ;)

I’m a big believer in affirmations. Say these mantras daily until you feel and believe them. The more you give to yourself, the more you can give to others. Same goes with love. The more you love and accept yourself, the more able you are to truly love and accept others. Let this be the lesson of the month: To love. Love fully and unconditionally. Start with yourself.

My daily mantra: “Carrie, you are a smart and funny woman. You love shoes a bit too much and have an unusual sense of humor, but I accept you, just as you are.” (Just keeeeeeeeding). 

My true mantra is this: “Carrie, you talk to yourself and to dead people,  you smell like  you walked out of an Indian Temple, you run into things, you pretend you are Larry David and Woody Allen (which isn’t really such a “girly” thing to do), but I love you anyway and appreciate you just as you are.” Wink, wink. Hee hee 
Woody Allen & Larry David

I know sometimes my messages are corny, but in my work with my readings, I've noticed that many people don't love themselves enough and until you learn to love yourself, it's difficult to have a harmonious, balanced life. BUT, that's why we are here. To learn and to figure it out. I'm here to help if you need. There are many resources out there to give you a fresh start.

So, please create your own “love” mantra and use it daily. Be your own advocate. Oh, and use a little Life Aromatherapy “Love” spray to help with the process!;)

 Here’s some music to get you motivated this month, too!

To re-vamp the energy of the line, we’ll be redesigning our website so that it is more user friendly. I’ll announce the re-design once it’s done. We’ve added a few more stores to our list of where you can find Life Aromatherapy products, as well. We are now in Paris and Switzerland!! Yay!! Check our Store Listing on our website to find stores in your area. If there is a store that you love and want to see Life Aromatherapy products in, let us know! We’re always open to new opportunities. 

Another thing: My reading rates have changed a little. This month I’m offering 15% off any readings scheduled this month. Please send me an email at: to schedule. You can check out a list of my services here:

It’s going to be a great year. Trust it! Big things are happening…I can feel it. Let’s clear the slate and start with love. Once the flood gates open next month, let’s spread our love and energy everywhere!! We are all brilliant creators. Let’s share our gifts, fulfill our dreams and start imaging bigger and better things for ourselves.

With love,