Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It's True Love.

 Welcome to August! Well, July went by in a blink! I had planned to do a post sooner, but the activities and projects in the last month have kept me preoccupied. I'll share about that here in a minute, but I want to start with the intention of this month which is this: True love.

Do you believe in true love? I sure do. I have one BIG example of it in my life and many others, but let’s start with the big one: my parents.

My parents have had the blessing of being together for 60 years (54 married), happily. This month holds their anniversary. I feel it is perfect timing to talk about them and their love story.

I've seen relationships that share the time but not the love. There are many couples that stay together, but hold no love or like for each other. They stay for comfort, security and various other reasons.

I also know that there are many relationships that have love, but break for assorted reasons.

No relationship is perfect, but some offer an example of love, commitment, respect, honesty, ease and romance...these things embody what my parents for 60 years have shared and they are fortunate beyond measure. True love doesn’t come around that often, many never experience it, but my parents this go round were blessed to come together. They are absolute love birds. They still do sweet things for each other, bicker like kids (and get over it fairly quickly--ha ha!) and are somewhat inseparable. When they look at each other or if you witness them together, there is no question that they are deeply in love.

We all have different paths in life and with our learning. Some people learn through life experiences some through relationships. Some, well, don't learn at all. Ha! Whatever your path, I feel we are all here to learn about love. And if you can learn about it through a healthy partnership, then you are really lucky. I have a couple friends who have unquestionably met their true loves. When you meet your counterpart, there is no end to what you can create together.

I am grateful to my parents for the examples they are in my life. Thank you Momma & Papa for being such a lovely force of love in my life.

The benefit of having this kind of example in my life is this: More love for all of YOU! MWAH! 

Through my parents and my own relationships I’ve learned not only about love, but about compassion and empathy -- for others and for myself. And if it makes you feel any better, my learning in love hasn’t been that easy considering I’m a very sensitive lady (Ouchie), but I continue to keep my heart open knowing that I am still learning every day and that my experiences will only allow me to love more deeply and unconditionally. And when I am getting ready to share my life with my equal and true love, you'll be the first (well, after contacting family and close friends :)) to hear it.
Awwww...that looks sweet (and fun!).

So, changing subjects...hee hee.
If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been lately, well, I promise you, it’s all for you! I’ve been working on streamlining my website and developing some fun tools and products to help you all on your paths. We will be launching our new website any day now! I hope it will be your ‘one stop shop’ for products, perfumes, spiritual insight and inspiration!

Oh, and some other exciting news: We are participating in a show called Coeur in New York in September from the 16-17th. If you know any stores that might be interested in seeing our products in New York, let us know and we'll reach out to them. www.coeurshow.com

There is more exciting news, but it'll have to wait for a bit. Shhh....

How about some music to honor my parents and the love in our lives?

If you’re trying to attract love, try one of our items from our Life Essentials line. I've been told they work! :)

Life Essentials
I am giving you all BIG LOVE, always. I miss you already.

Have a happy, love-filled month!

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