Sunday, December 13, 2009

Moving through the madness...

Yes. Yes. I feel a break is coming. A much needed break. Ha! The last couple weeks have been utterly insane. I mean Christopher Walken "WOW," insane. Haha! I feel so blessed to be so busy lately and I've been doing my best to take care of myself and keep my life in balance, but man it hasn't been easy. Ha! It has all been worth it because the exciting news is (!!!); my products are now on the shelves of 3 Arizona Whole Foods stores. I am absolutely thrilled!! Here are some photos of my products taken at the Tempe Whole Foods store.

Eye Cream & Moisturizer

Chakra Sprays:)

Massage Oils

So, not that I would dare make any excuses...but that is the reason for the delay in my blog update. I've been trying to manage getting the products in the WF stores, as well as supply my other stores and events. Yikes! I did, however, get my "Tip for December" out on time! That counts, right? You can view it here at

Are you ready for the holidays?? No, really...can it be that we have only a couple weeks left in December!! I don't believe it! If you are looking for some last minute gifts, check out these local treasures:

Bunky Boutique - The Owner, Rachel, has an incredible selection of funky and unique items for men and women. I cannot step into her store without leaving with a ring, new sunglasses, earrings...a little skirt. Oh, and if you stop in, make sure to check out the Awareness Tee's ( created by yours truly. "Super Cool." All you Hipsters out there need to get a couple to sport around town, eh??

Urban Yoga - You do not have to be into yoga, or even like it remotely to dare step into this store. I have to say (not because I teach yoga here), the retail selection is awesome! I have trouble teaching at this studio because every time I pop in for my class, I want to buy something. They have the cutest comfy clothes, unique inspirational items and jewelry, Life Aromatherapy products (irresistible!!) and of course, yoga gear, mats - anything you need for the yogi or yogini in your life:)

Frances - Georgeanne, the Owner is a magic maker. This store is adorable and the clothing, accessories and vintage items are to die for! Another store that I have to avoid because I can literally go crazy. She has funky men's accessories, tee's, hats, etc., to boot! I guarantee you'll find something here. She also owns Smeeks a couple doors down. It's a fun candy & toy store, which includes a photo booth...bring some friends, your honey, family down with you and take some fun photos while you're at it!! ;

And, before I sign are some words of inspiration for you:

“It someone doesn’t see you, your specialness, light and beauty; then they’re not meant to see you. It takes a trained eye to recognize a precious gem. And when this person see’s you and realizes what they’ve discovered, they will keep you all to themselves, if they can, because they are so highly aware of your value. So don’t despair, your light, beauty and specialness will be seen and it will be treasured.” Carrie A. Keller©

Words for the heart:
I see you.
I hear you.
I know you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

One more thing!! MUSIC!!!! Yes, check this band out. They are one of my new fav's... They're from the UK and their songs make my heart light up!! BEAUTIFUL!!

Last things (I promise!!) - I'm giving a discount of 15% off my readings for the whole month of January. People usually need a little more support this time of year and going into the new year...I want to be available to all of you that can use a bit of clarity, healing and empowerment to start the New Year right. Go to to learn more about my readings or e-mail me directly at Just mention this blog post when you schedule the appointment and I'll make sure to give you the discount:)

Have a wonderful, safe and joy-filled Holiday!! I am sending kisses, wishes & blessings your way!!

"Remember there is light in the dark...and beauty in everything."
Carrie A. Keller

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